Now on the internet, you can see the emergence of a lot of revenue sharing writing sites. This phenomenon is considered as the result of the down fall of the prominent revenue sharing writing site Bubblews as a revenue sharing writing site made history on the internet. For a span of about two and half years, it made an impression of the best earning site on the net. But unfortunately the site became bankrupt and unable to pay out the revenue shares to its writing community. In my case also it was true that four of my redemptions were not paid. Still I am remembering the golden era of bubblews which was a regular source earning. At least I have received four pay outs successfully as the revenue share from bubblews.
The new upsurge of the revenue sharing writing sites is the cause of the failure of bubblews. Many of bubbling community members joined hands with forming new revenue sharing writing sites. The prominent sites among them are EliteVisitors( Now:- Best Writers), CGP gallery, Persona Paper, Pay2Writers, Post Any Article (PAA), LinkerZone, Daily2Cents…and so on.
Still these sites have to prove that they are successors of bubblews. But there are appeared to be some kind of disturbances at least in the case of some sites. If these sites are proved to be good earning sites, recovering from the temporary disturbances at present, definitely the writing community on the net will accept them. This will boost the enormous earning capabilities of internet up-to certain extend.
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